LAGRAN Company is proud to introduce ROCKKNIF, new unexplosive technology of block stone quarrying and rock breaking, which is assigned to Class 5.1 ADR.

Deflagration speed at combustion of mixture in boreholes, that makes 290 – 340 m/sec, assuredly provides absence of block damage, minimization of such harmful phenomena, as seismic vibrations, shock air wave, wreckage throwing and large noise.

The ROCKKNIF pyrotechnical mixture is also new and fully oxygen balanced, doesn’t extract harmful or dangerous gases during usage. ROCKKNIF technology also introduces a modular concept allowing to take individual decision for each demand.

The system is developed for blasters, contractors, quarry and mining managers.

A new gas-generating mixture and modular design the product range is currently the safest and efficient technology of block stone quarrying and rock breaking based rock breaking on the global market.

ROCKKNIF  cartridges of new unexplosive technology are offered in the pre-assembled kind with the mounted system of initiation.

The ROCKKNIF technology

The ROCKKNIF technology is a completely new and unique  solution and is specially designed for optimal block stone quarrying and rock breaking in difficult limited conditions.

An unique technological decision is the use of  wares as pressure generators in boreholes and use of well-educated pressure for the cracking-off of blocks without stone damage.

Technical comparison, explosives vs ROCKKNIF

Characteristic Commercial explosives Deflagrating ROCKKNIF
Reaction speed – confined 3000 – 7000 m/sec 450 m/sec
Reacion speed – unconfined 3000 – 6000 m/s 2 – 3 m/sec
Pressure 1200 GPa 720 -810 MPa
Sequential blasting electronic, electric or shock tube electric
Cost comparison   On par with conventional explosives (usage of blek powder rok , detonating cords, detonators, booster and emulsion, ANFO or NG base)
Safety High risk for secondary breakage and side wall damage No crush zone or secondary damage to hanging wall or side wall